Best Still Life
Richard Perkins Memorial Trophy
Winner: Barb Lindsay

Best Seascape
Eric Hussey Cup
Winner: Greg Nicie

Best Pencil Drawing
Joan Lushington Sketch Trophy
Winner: Malcolm Drysdale

Best Landscape (including cityscape)
Eric Hussey Cup
Winner: Janeen George

Best Portraiture
Thelma Graham Plate
Winner: Ulemj Glamuzina

Best Black & White
Reg Chalmers Memorial Rose Bowl
Winner: Tony Roband

Best Mixed Media
Dale Mitchell Memorial Cup
Winner: Gerbrig Muntendam

Best Pen & Ink (Including Light Wash)
Mc Tavish Trophy
Winner: Mary McTavish

Best Figure Study
Ray Thompson ‘La Vie’ Trophy
Winner: Bernadette Toye

Dara Koru Trophy
Non-Trophy Winners – any subject any medium
Winner: Morgan Faye Reynolds
2022 Mid Year Competitions Winners
Here we present the winners of the 2022 Mid Year Competitions. Congratulations to all. Thank you to this year’s judge Miriam Ruberl, for her time and the much appreciated explanations behind the selections she made, sharing with us some of her vast knowledge of art. Entering the competitions is a great way to gain confidence in showing your work.